You're not in Kansas anymore…

Must wears

Vili Flik Design

Last weekend I made a couple of new dresses, one still is in need of some tiny adjustments, but the other, world, I am ready to share with you:


I was inspired from a 1963 Burda pattern, but of course, having no patience with patterns, I didn’t use it. The belt can be removed, but I think it adds some umph to the dress.

brukbart - Kopi

Dress: Read! by Hanna Volle. Like?

Love, Hanna

Vili Flik Design

This is a dress I made just before Christmas.
I spent quite a long time on it and some parts were a bit fidgety, but I am very happy with the result.



Love, Elin

Sewing Rooms


So, this is my brand new sewing room. Or rather, “the room formerly known as the kitchen”.
(The opposite side of the room looks like this:)

It is not nearly as cozy as I would like it to be (though slightly cozier than this picture makes it out to be), but it is spacious, and as I am not planning to stay in my current apartment for longer than absolutely necessary, I can’t be bothered decorating too much.

So in the meantime I wait and I dream about  my future sewing room, the ultimate sewing room, the one I will have next to the library (yes, I will have a library! Come to think of it, maybe I will have the walk in-closet in between so the sewing machine doesn’t disturb the tranquility of the reading room). It will have a window overlooking something nice, and my cats will sit in the windowsill looking at birds (one of my life goals is to become a crazy catlady (not to be confused with a crazy catwoman) and I pretty much have the crazy part down, just need a kitty or ten), and there will be lots and lots and lots of fabric, in every color and pattern! It will be good and fine and fentestically fentestic!

Here are some wonderful and inspiring sewing rooms that I kinda wish I had:







Aren’t they nice and inspiring?

By the way, for those of you who desperately wondered how my shawl turned out, here it is:


And in action:


Love, Elin

Splash of Greatness

For my birthday last year, the o so highly exaulted Elin gave me an awesome orange and green fabric. That fabric has now finally become a skirt (and a dress, but let’s focus on the skirt for now).

Check it out:

Part 1 035

Part 1 040

Part 1 042

Skirt: Read! by Hanna Volle

Lola Ramona

I would like to present to you one of my favourite shoe designers, Lola Ramona. Her shoes have that perfect blend of style, fun, classic and quirky design, and wearableness (is that a word..?) which make them perfect for any occasion. I currently own two pairs, with a third on its way recently ordered online. Now, living in the middle of nowhere (more or less), the only shop that sold these in my area has just gone out of business. No wonder, considering the lack of style on display in town every day… Fortunately, we live in an age of online shopping, so I can still get my Lola Ramona fix – and as they are not too expensive, I will definitely continue to buy them! Why, you ask? Well, take a look at these goodies:




I own these...

I own these…


…and these…

...with these ordered and hopefully arriving any day now.

…with these ordered and hopefully arriving any day now.

Polka dots, bows, and stripes are signature features, which is perfect for us gals here at Vili Flik! (In case you haven’t noticed, these features do tend to pop up in our own designs…) She also prefers a round toe as opposed to those less flattering pointy ones, and the heels are sturdy enough to walk in without dying. The colours are usually black and white, primary colours and rockabilly pink. Get out there and get a pair of Lola Ramonas! You will be stylish in no time!

Love, Mari


So, in August I went home for a short visit with my parents, and on impulse I asked my mum if she could teach me how to crochet. You see, I needed something to do while watching TV (because I am an old lady), but I just can’t knit. I’ve tried several times, it just isn’t happening, so my hope was that crochet, which only includes one needle, would be the right thing for me. And it turned out that it was! After one (long) evening if trial and error and many, many swear words, I had gotten the hang of it.

A granny square

So when I arrived back home I boldly went and bought some lovely yarn and set out to make a shawl. I decided on granny squares thinking I could just crochet them together when they were all done. I was full of hope and glorious visions of my beautiful shawl.
Then two things happened:

1)      I realized that my winter coat is bright green (poison green, really) and that it would completely clash with the colors of my shawl, which will be dark blue, bright purple-pink and turquoise. Damn. Oh well, I thought, fuck it, I’ll make it a thing, mismatching is the new black, right? Besides, I could always by a new coat.

So I finished my granny squares, used all the yarn, and then realized

2)      I probably should have saved some of that yarn for the crocheting together… Damn. Oh well, off I went to the yarn shop and found almost the right color, problem solved-ish. I sat down eager to put my shawl together. I looked at my granny squares, I looked at my ball of yarn. I looked at my crochet needle. And I realized that I have no clue as to how to put them together. I have tried to be logical about it, but it is just not working.

So for two months now I have had a bag full of beautiful granny squares, waiting for my aunt to visit and show me how to crochet them together. She arrives this week, so hopefully I will have a shawl ready before Christmas. That, kids, is what happens when you attempt to do stuff you don’t know whilst living in a different country from anyone who could have shown you how to do it.

Still, crochet is quite fun and easy (I mean, I figured it out), and a good option for us knitting-retards. Here are my beautiful granny squares, fingers crossed that it will be a finished shawl soon:


A work in progress

Love, Elin