You're not in Kansas anymore…


It’s a Book

Mari and I went shopping. And we found the awesomest book by Lane Smith, a children’s book of few words and lovely drawings, with a good point to boot! The book? “It’s a Book” (2010). The book is about a monkey who likes to read, and a curious donkey who doesn’t quite get what a book is for. Luckily, youtube has a trailer for the book, however, all is not included, so you’ll just have to get up off the couch and find the book yourself.

Love, Hanna

Vili Flik Design

I am currently working on a collection inspired by the Alice computer games. And this is the first item in the bunch: A skirt that can be worn on both sides (please excuse Judy’s nudity, she’s a bit of a free spirit).



I am quite pleased with this.

Love, Elin

Vili Flik Design

Last weekend I made a couple of new dresses, one still is in need of some tiny adjustments, but the other, world, I am ready to share with you:


I was inspired from a 1963 Burda pattern, but of course, having no patience with patterns, I didn’t use it. The belt can be removed, but I think it adds some umph to the dress.

brukbart - Kopi

Dress: Read! by Hanna Volle. Like?

Love, Hanna


To celebrate the Norwegian release of Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie (2012), I thought it would be nice to take a look at one of my favourite Tim Burton films: the animated short Vincent from 1982. It’s oh so charming, funny and sweet, and the best part is I can link to the whole film here!


Don’t you just love it?

Love, Mari

Just because…

we haven’t had a picture of Johnny Depp in a while…

Even Silence Has an End

He died while I was still chained to a tree in the middle of the jungle.”

A couple of weeks ago I got new hero. Or, to be more accurate, heroine. I was reading Even Silence Has an End (2010) by French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt (1961).

Ingrid Betancourt, running for president in Colombia in 2002, was kidnapped basically on the campaign trail, by the FARC (Colombian Armed Revolutionary Forces), a gerilla group with a lot of power in some parts of the country. For six years she was held captive in the jungle, and her book is basically a memoir over those years. While at times being one of those books you read while covering your eyes because you really can not take any more cruelty, it was aslo a book that impressed me with its wisdom and caring and humans ability to forgive, as well as portraying human cruelty and desperation. Ingrid Betancourt writes about young girls joining the FARC, because it is even that or prostitution, and she has an astounding ability to try to understand her enemies, and to see their point of view.

I won’t lie to you, this is a sometimes awful book, not because of how it is written, but because of some of the content. However, it’s a book that will teach you stuff you may need but may not want to know about the world. And it will stay with you for a long time, I’m sure of it.

PS: Ingrid Betancourt for president!

Love, Hanna

Vili Flik Design

This is a dress I made just before Christmas.
I spent quite a long time on it and some parts were a bit fidgety, but I am very happy with the result.



Love, Elin

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Hello dear readers and a very belated Happy New Year!
I thought we should start this year off with a nice anime movie called The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006). - 31024 the_girl_who_leapt_through_time

The story is about Makoto, a young girl who, after a mysterious incident in the science lab, discovers that she can move backwards in time. Well, more specifically (and as the title suggests), she can leap back in time. At first Makoto is having a blast with her newfound powers, but quickly enough she learns that changing the past can have dire consequences for the future. Will she be able to undo her mistakes and create a happy future for herself and her friends?
This is a very sweet movie about friendship, love and learning to understand and deal with the consequences of one’s actions (however it gives a falls impression of the practicality of seriously short school uniforms. That skirt is not ok for leaping in public!). It has won several awards, including the Fantasty Filmfest Official Selection 2007 and the Japan Academy Price of Animation of the Year 2007. It is absolutely a film worth watching!

Love, Elin

A Short Disclaimer

Do not despair, dear readers! We have not quit you again! It’s just that we’re currently spending Christmas with our families, which leaves precious little time for blogging. Rest assured, we will keep on blogging in the new year. You are not abandoned!

Happy Christmas, everybody!

Love, Vili Flik.

Darkness at Noon

“Nobody can rule guiltlessly” Saint-Just

Ok, so I’ll be the first to admit that Darkness at Noon (1940) by Arthur Koestler is perhaps not the most cosy, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas read. However, the book is brilliant and should be a must read for everyone everywhere.

It is set in Russia in 1938, and starts with the main character, Rubashov, being arrested in the middle of the night. This short book (at least according to Wikipedia) “express the author’s disillusionment with the Soviet Union’s practice of Communism.”

We follow Rubashov into imprisonment, through interrogation, corruption, and torture. The book is so well written that when I was reading it this summer, in a room full of people, I had to force myself to look up every now and then just to remind myself that I was not in an interrogation room headed for a show trial, and that I was, in fact perfectly safe. It’s a book and a story that gets under your skin. And it should, seeing that it actually tells a story that many were forced to experience in the 1930s.