You're not in Kansas anymore…

Christian Bale

Yes, this week’s hottie is the fantabulous English actor Christian Bale.

Bale’s carrier began at the tender age of 13 when he starred in Steven Spielberg’s film Empire of the Sun, and it has been all uphill since then. He is known for drastically altering his appearance in order to fit the role he is playing. For example for American Psycho he needed to create a close-to-perfect tan and muscular body in order to properly portray the main character Patrick Bateman.

And he did a very good job.

For his part as the insomniac Reznic in The Machinist, Bale dropped his weight to about 55 kg and went without sleep for long periods of time.

Not so hot…

And after finishing that film he had six months to bulk up to Batman-size. Talk about dedication!

Mmm bat!

Not only is Christian Bale a very talented actor who has won several awards for his achievements, he is also a rather good looking man, as these pictures will show:

Fun fact: Bale’s father was married to Gloria Steinem, the lead-activist against American Psycho being published. Isn’t life wonderfully ironic?

Fun fact: As a child Bale trained in ballet and guitar.

Fun fact: While working on Batman Bale did all interviews with an American accent in order to avoid confusion.

Love, Elin

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