You're not in Kansas anymore…

Banana Cake

This Friday Feast (although, technically, it’s a Saturday Feast as yesterday flew by too quickly to blog) is all about that wonderful fruit – the banana.

For those of you who don’t know: this is what bananas look like…

The banana is a great fruit to eat raw, it can be fried and served with ice cream, you can make (or buy, which is easier) banana chips and it’s a great ingredient in cakes and cupcakes. It is also a natural, healthy sweetener!

There are lots of great recipes for banana cakes, but today I will present you with an easy one.

You’ll need:

1 dl sugar

2 eggs

2 dl flour

1 ts baking powder

50 gr butter

2-3 bananas (preferably very ripe. The browner the better.)

Mix sugar and eggs, add the flour and baking powder. Melt butter and add (or mosh it in with the bananas). Mosh the bananas and add them to the mix. When everything is thoroughly mixed, pour into a cake tin and put in the oven. Bake for about 40 minutes on 175 C. Eat and enjoy!

You can also glaze the cake with either a chocolate glaze:

Or powdered sugar glaze:

You can also decorate it with whatever you want. Chocolate is always a good idea… Either way, it tastes lovely. And it’s really easy to make!

Love, Mari


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